The water we drink

Published in 17 de December de 2018

Who and how is it guaranteed that the water that reaches the taps is suitable for consumption?

Who can guarantee that the water that comes out of my tap does not put my health at risk?
The water that reaches us home, there is a whole series of very strict controls to ensure its salubriousness. The authority of sanitation of the territory is the one that monitors the quality criteria of the water of human consumption.

What responsibilities does the water manager have?
Within the framework of the norm: the current entity, the water management entity of a municipality, in this case Aigües de Manresa, is responsible for the fact that it reaches the homes of the users, with all the guarantee and the best possible quality to be considered water suitable for consumption, and, if not, the population must be aware of it.

Who wonders why they are carried out in the best way?
To carry out this task, Aigües de Manresa, must fulfil a whole range of requirements aimed at obtaining, evaluating, maintaining, improving and re-evaluating all stages, from the capture of water to the entrance in buildings

With the help of a Protocol for Self-Control and Management and a Water Health Plan, among others, and, of course, of qualified personnel to be able to execute it, Aigües de Manresa maintains an exhaustive control over all the way through the water. Nowadays there is a wide variety of meters in continuous of different parameters, and in different critical points of control, that allow to make a preventive management of the quality of the water and anticipate to any incidence. The laboratory, and subjected to different accreditations and validations, also plays an important role in the health control, since it can quickly determine any data that is needed in a good level of quality and certainty, both at the analysis level, and of the service provided.

This, among others, also carries out a series of water control analyses according to a sampling plan established by Aigües de Manresa, and in total agreement with the provisions of the current health regulations.

How do you act against any incident?
The health inspector is a person in the facilities and inspects the sanitary conditions of these. Does review of
Auto control and Management Protocol and the monitoring of any incident, if any, until resolved.
Within the health control analyses carried out, in the case of any parameter outside the established value by normative, that creates a breach or anomaly, the health authority must be notified.

The manifestation of a breach or anomaly accelerates corrective measures that are applied quickly, and later preventive measures so that it does not happen again. The health authority monitors the incidence, always, until its resolution.

In the case of parameters levels that pose a health risk, the health authority declares a warning situation and the
manager must inform the population.

Where can I find information about the characteristics of the water in my municipality?

The regulations also require participation in a National Consumer Information System (SINAC). The Ministry of Health and Consumption provides the application of this SINAC computer system, where all the information in all the supply areas and the control of the quality of the water of human consumption are found. This application is available to the citizen where you can check all the updated information regarding your area of ​​supply, as well as the sanitary quality of your municipality or others that may be of interest to you. The address to consult the information is the following: hep: //

Elisabet Berch, supervisor analyst at the Laboratori d’Aigües de Manresa